The new node is appended to the specified parent node, and its value is set to the passed-in string. 将新节点附加到指定的父节点,并将其值设置成传入的字符串。
Add each node to its parent until you finally add the main parent node to a node that already exists in the document. 将每个节点添加到相应的父节点,直到最后将主父节点添加到已经存在于文档中的一个节点。
This value will be resolved at run time after the parent node is expanded ( shown later in this article). 这个值可以在父节点被展开时才进行解析(本文稍后显示)。
Stores a0 to show that it has no parent node. 存储0以表示其不含父节点。
1st page: List ( reachable from the parent node, so you can see the list of all the instances of the referenced node). 第一个页面:列表(从父亲节点是可达的,这样您就可以看到参考节点所有实例的列表)。
To get the parent node, you will add another attribute to the STATES_STATESANDCITIES node by using the odc: treeColumnData tag. 要得到父节点,您将添加另一个属性到STATESSTATESANDCITIES节点,其通过使用odc:treeColumnData页签。
Basically a product in child node inherits all attributes from the product categorized in the parent node unless for an attribute a specific override is done. 子节点中的产品基本上继承父节点中产品的所有属性,除非覆盖特定的属性。
This method is easier than the first because there is no need to find the parent node in the JSF components tree. 这种方法比第一种方法简单,因为无需寻找JSF组件树中的父节点。
The JSON object for a parent node might look like the following example. 父节点的JSON对象可能类似以下例子。
Because a namespace prefix in a parent node can be overridden by a child node, for example default namespace, a namespace is not copied again if it has been copied to the target. 由于父节点的名称空间前缀可以被一个子节点覆盖,比如默认名称空间,因此如果名称空间已被复制到目标,那么就不会再次复制该名称空间。
The parent node is'AlgorithmsId ', which is the Subject, and the example is adding'A.K.Das'as the author. 父节点是'AlgorithmsId',即书名,例子中添加一个'A.K.Das'作为作者。
Template is the parent node of the process instances associated with the template; the to-do tasks are the children of the process instances. Template是与模板相关联的流程实例的父节点;to-do任务是流程实例的子节点。
Nested nodes become child menu items of parent node menu items. 嵌套节点成为父节点菜单项的子菜单项。
To create a child node, select the parent node in the treeview node editor and then click the add a child node button. 若要创建子节点,请在“treeview节点编辑器”中选择父节点,再单击“添加子节点”按钮。
FTU-Based Parent Node Matrix Identification through Topology for Distribution Network Fault Diagnosis 基于FTU的配电网故障判断双亲节点矩阵拓扑识别法
For which to retrieve the parent site map node. 要检索其父站点地图节点的。
Of1.this indicates that the parent node of the currently requested page is displayed. 为1,表明要显示当前所请求页的父节点。
The parent of any node that's being split is guaranteed not to be full, and can therefore accept data item B without itself needing to be split. 任何要分裂节点的父节点肯定不是满的,因此该节点不需要分裂就可以插入数据项B。
In particular, we need the parent node so that when we receive new search results, we know which subtree to add them to. 特别地,我们需要其父节点,这样当收到新的搜索结果时,我们知道要将它们加到哪个子树上。
LEPS routing also takes the link quality into account in choosing parent node to improve reliability. LEPS协议将跳数和链路质量作为选择父节点的依据,具有一定的传输可靠性保证。
The length of the shortest path of the neighbor node and the distance for the nearest goal node are updated according to the current node, so it is the same that the parent node is updated at the time or recomputed later by the vector value. 因为邻接节点的最短路径长度值和最近目的节点距离值是根据当前计算节点进行修改的,所以在此时修改父节点标识与在后面根据向量值重新计算父节点是等效的。
The fractal value of root of a tree is set to 1, and the fractal value is propagated to other nodes by dividing the fractal value of parent node by the number of child nodes and assigning the value to the child node as their fractal value. 树的根的分形权值被设为1,分形权值可以传播到子节点,一个父亲节点的权值可以按比例分到子节点上,分得的权值作为子节点的分形权值。
To learn tree-like Bayesian networks from a data set to match evolutionary population, firstly, an approach to construct a tree model based on Bayesian-Dirichlet metric is developed by searching parent node with the highest score. 为了构造匹配于进化种群的树形模型,首先研究了基于贝叶斯狄利克雷度量构建树形网络结构的方法,得出关键在于搜索每一个节点的最大值父节点。
In this model, the larger the relay node amount a node has, the bigger the probability that this node would be selected as the parent node is. 这样可转发节点数越大,被选择作为父节点的可能性也就越大。
In C# Net 2003 environment, the programming node add, change and the parent node of the node to change, to produce a flow chart, test results were very good. 在C.net2003的环境下,编程实现节点的添加、父节点的改变和子节点的改变,产生相应的流程图,测试效果良好。
To support fast handoff, a domain root router maintains a new state& soft state. In such state, the domain root router does not provide multicast services for mobile hosts in its domain, but it still exchanges routing information with its parent node. 为了支持快速切换,在域根路由器上引入了一种软状态,在不需要为域内的节点提供组播服务时,域根路由器依然与父节点交换着路由信息。
It also rebuilds the relationship between father and son according to energy state and stability of communication between candidate parent node and none-routing terminal node. 根据候选父节点和非路由终端子节点之间的通信稳定度以及能量状态重新建立父子关系,保证数据的正常发送以及簇结构的相对稳定。
Separation sequence optimization of simulated annealing algorithm, use the tuning method and the exchange of the adjacent separator to select the similar methods in change of parent node to clinical domain function. 模拟退火算法优化分离序列时,采用与调优法交换相邻分离器类似选取父节点调换方法产生临域函数。
Although the result of a topological sorting is not unique, but the priority of the parent node is always higher than the priority of child nodes. Finally, this paper summarizes the research work and points out the further study. 虽然拓扑排序的结果并不唯一,但父结点的优先权始终高于子结点的优先权。本文最后对研究工作进行了总结,指出了今后需进一步深入研究的问题。
R~ o-Tree introduces the conception of outlier object which is far away from any other objects in the node. By moving the outlier objects from a node to its parent node, it can decrease the overlapping area between children nodes. R~o-Tree提出了外部节点的概念,就是将节点中离其它孩子节点都比较远的孩子作为外部节点,然后放到上一级节点中,藉此来优化节点的质量,减少节点之间的重叠区域。